2023 Result

Vote Share and Seats Won

Full results will be shown when all of the votes are counted and all of the seats are allocated.

2019 Result

Vote Share and Seats Won

By Party

SF 28.2% of FPV | 18 Seats

DUP 21.6% of FPV | 15 Seats

AP 15.7% of FPV | 10 Seats

SDLP 9.1% of FPV | 6 Seats

GP 6.0% of FPV | 4 Seats

PBP 5.2% of FPV | 3 Seats

UUP 6.2% of FPV | 2 Seats

PUP 3.1% of FPV | 2 Seats

By Community (Excluding INDs)

Nationalists 39.3% of FPV | 24 Seats

Unionist 32.1% of FPV | 19 Seats

Others 26.8% of FPV | 17 Seats

2023 Candidates

Black Mountain DEA

SF Ciaran Beattie

AP Ryan Brown

SF Arder Carson

PBP Matt Collins

SDLP Paul Doherty

SF Michael Donnelly

SF Róis-Máire Donnelly

AON Gerard Herdman

GP Stevie Maginn

WP Ursula Meighan

IRSP Dan Murphy

SF Áine McCabe

SF Ronan McLaughlin

Botanic DEA

TUV Billy Dickson

UUP Jeffrey Dudgeon

SF Emma-Jane Faulkner

SF John Gormley

GP Áine Groogan

DUP Tracy Kelly

DUP Darren Leighton

WP Paddy Lynn

CON Idris Maiga

AP Emmet McDonough-Brown

SDLP Gary McKeown

SP Neil Moore

AP Chris Ogle

PBP Sipho Sibanda

Balmoral DEA

AP Tara Brooks

DUP Sarah Bunting

GP Lauren Kendall

UUP Joshua Lowry

SDLP Dónal Lyons

SF Geraldine McAnteer

SDLP Sarah Mulgrew

AP Micky Murray

SF Sean Napier

DUP Gareth Spratt

Castle DEA

SF Brónach Anglin

DUP Fred Cobain

UUP Julie-Anne Corr-Johnston

PBP Barney Doherty

WP Lily Kerr

SF Conor Maskey

DUP Dean McCullough

AP Sam Nelson

GP Mal O'Hara

SDLP Carl Whyte

Collin DEA

PBP Michael Collins

SF Joe Duffy

WP Patrick Crossan

SF Matt Garrett

GP Ash Jones

IND Tony Mallon

SF Caoimhín McCann

AON Luke McCann

SDLP Gerard McDonald

IND Julieann McNally

AP Eoin Millar

SF Clíodhna Nic Bhranair

SF Séanna Walsh

Court DEA

SF Tina Black

SF Claire Canavan

GP Sara Haller

AP Ally Haydock

PUP Billy Hutchinson

IRSP Michael Kelly

PBP Cailín McCAffery

DUP Frank McCoubrey

TUV Ron McDowell

DUP Ian McLaughlin

SDLP Olcan McSparron

DUP Nicola Verner

WP Tony Walls

IND Geoffrey Wilson

Lisnasharragh DEA

PBP Nick Cropper

SDLP Séamus de Faoite

DUP Davy Douglas

DUP Bradley Ferguson

TUV Stephen Ferguson

AP Eric Hanvey

SF Stevie Jenkins

AP Michael Long

UUP Bill Manwaring

AP Anna McErlean

GP Brian Smyth

Oldpark DEA

SF Nichola Bradley

SDLP Charlotte Carson

GP Ange Cruz

DUP Jordan Doran

PBP Fiona Ferguson

SF JJ Magee

SF Ryan Murphy

WP Fiona McCarthy

TUV Ann McClure

IND Paul McCusker

SF Tomás Ó Néill

AP Chris Shannon

DUP Gillian Simpson

Ormiston DEA

AP Christine Bower

PBP Fiona Doran

GP Anthony Flynn

TUV John Hiddleston

UUP Carole Howard

DUP James Lawlor

AP Jenna Maguire

SF Caitríona Mallaghan

DUP Andrew McCormick

SDLP Loran McGuirk

AP Ross McMullan

UUP Jim Rodgers

AP Caitlin Sullivan

Titanic DEA

AP David Bell

DUP Ruth Brooks

UUP Sonia Copeland

SF Pádraig Donnelly

DUP George Dorrian

DUP Sammy Douglas

GP Gillian Hamilton

AP Fiona McAteer

SDLP Elly Odhiambo

TUV Anne Smyth