2023 Result

Vote Share and Seats Won

Full results will be shown when all of the votes are counted and all of the seats are allocated.

2019 Result

Vote Share and Seats Won

By Party

DUP 36.7% of FPV | 15 Seats

UUP 17.6% of FPV | 11 Seats

AP 23.6% of FPV | 9 Seats

SDLP 8.7% of FPV | 2 Seats

SF 5.4% of FPV | 2 Seats

GP 1.7% of FPV | 1 Seat

By Community (Excluding INDs)

Unionists 58.3% of FPV | 26 Seats

Other 25.8% of FPV | 10 Seats

Nationalists 14.2% of FPV | 4 Seats

2023 Candidates

Castlereagh East DEA

DUP Samantha Burns

DUP David Drysdale

TUV Andrew Girvin

AP Martin Gregg

DUP John Laverty

UUP Hazel Legge

AP Sharon Lowry

DUP Sharon Skillen

GP Terry Winchcombe

Castlereagh South DEA

SF Daniel Bassett

SF Ryan Carlin

AP Nancy Eaton

SDLP John Gallen

AP Michelle Guy

GP Jacinta Hamley

UUP Michael Henderson

DUP Brian Higginson

SDLP Simon Lee

AP Martin McKeever

IND Andrew Miller

DUP William Traynor

Downshire East DEA

UUP James Baird

AP Kurtis Dickson

SDLP John Drake

TUV Stewart Ferris

DUP Andrew Gowan

DUP Uel Mackin

AP Aaron McIntyre

UUP Alex Swan

Downshire West DEA

DUP Allan Ewart

AP Owen Gawith

DUP William Leathem

UUP Alan Martin

UUP Liz McCord

DUP Caleb McCready

SF Siobhán Murphy

GP Luke Robinson

AP Gretta Thompson

Kullultagh DEA

DUP Thomas Beckett

IND Stuart Brown

AP Chris Kemp

SF Gary McCleave

UUP Ross McLernon

SDLP Jack Patton

DUP James Tinsley

UUP Laura Turney

Lisburn North DEA

SF Paul Burke

DUP Scott Carson

SDLP Pat Catney

DUP Jonathan Craig

UUP Linsey Gibson

IND Gary Hynds

AP Stephen Martin

AP Nicola Parker

UUP Nicholas Trimble

Libsurn South DEA

DUP Andrew Ewing

SF Aisling Flynn

SDLP Dee French

DUP Alan Givan

AP Amanda Grehan

AP Peter Kennedy

TUV Stewart McEvoy

UUP Tim Mitchell

UUP Jenny Palmer

DUP Paul Porter