Ireland Votes Welcomes An Coimisiún’s Recommended Changes

Ireland Votes has reviewed An Coimisiún’s report on the 2024 Care and Family referendums, and welcomes the recommended changes included.

Proposed Amendment Notice

We agree that — at a minimum — 16 weeks (or 4 months) before polling day should be the latest time a proposed amendment is published by Government. It is vital the reasonable notice is given by Government to ensure An Coimisiún’s statutory obligations are met, including the vital development for an information campaign. This would give all engaged stakeholders sufficient timing to develop and release the necessary tools and platforms needed during a referendum campaign.

The Broadcast Moratorium

The recommendation to remove the broadcast moratorium — this is the block on campaigning on non-online media after 14:00 on the day prior to an electoral event until 22:00 the next day — will only improve voter awareness that an electoral event is taking place. We strongly welcome this recommendation. In our own data analytics, voter engagement only heightens the closer we get to election day, and throughout election day itself. This is relevant in our own statistical data on website visits, tweet engagements, etc. In order to maximise voter attention on an electoral event, we agree that the broadcast moratorium should be removed.

The Polling Day Order

An Coimisiún details in its report that voter information booklets on the referendums were still being delivered to households up to three days prior to voting day — this is not sufficient notice for a voter. A minimum of 60 days notice would assist An Coimisiún’s aforementioned statutory functions to prove an information campaign, that is consistent and efficient.

The Ballot Paper

The report also highlights a need for a review of the current ballot paper design. In it’s report, An Coimisiún highlights that on the ballot for the 39th (Family) amendment, it was 44 words in before  ‘An Teaghlach’ was mentioned or 53 words in before ‘The Family’ was mentioned. In our view, particularly on days were there are multiple votes taking place, the ballot paper should never motivate voter hesitation or confusion.

The details of the report published on the referendums on Family and Care can be found on An Coimisiún’s website,


The 2020 Results, in the 2023 constituencies